The Fireplace is burning hot with the news that the world’s original hotties…rock stars, will be the center of attention in a new series presented by Decadent Publishing. And they don’t get any more sizzlin than Run Devil Run. Read below for details regarding Decedent Publishing’s awesome idea (as usual) to enhance the reading experience. Note to readers: This one’s for you…baby!
Decadent Publishing announces the release of a Paranormal-romance fiction anthology rooted in rock ‘n roll and ripped straight off the Sunset Strip.

“I’ve seen RDR play live several times and they are impressive. When this idea came to me, they were a natural fit. Paranormal romance lends itself easily to the Rock vibe,” says Heather Bennett, Co-owner of Decadent Publishing. “Customers who buy the series off our site will be treated to a free download of the coordinating song so they get the whole multi-media experience.”
Mari Freeman writes,” Music has always influenced my writing, but creating a story, characters and an entire world based on the lyrics of a song has been one of the most unique experiences. The collaboration between Decadent Publishing and Run Devil Run has found a creative way to take that musical influence and share it with readers. Read the book; get the song that inspired it. That rocks!”
Remarks Jackie Joyride of Run Devil Run. “The fact that our music could inspire authors of this caliber to bring characters to life, I mean, it’s a thrill for us. It’s been great working with Decadent Publishing and to see these stories come together around our music…it’s an ego boost for sure!”
Now this one I might like. Probably has something to do with my lead guitar rock and roll days. And, it'll probably bring back memories. Heh Heh...